Gotta' Go to Bed...


My allergy is 'on' again [achoo!]...well, it's never off actually it's just on hibernation for a few minutes. If I don't hit the sack soon I will be miserable tomorrow.

I wasn't able to do as much hopping as I [achoo..!!] was busy with my [achoo..!] real 'wah' today. Maybe not tomorrow though as the work is almost gone. I'm sure by the time I wake up it will all be gone. [ sniff....]

[A..a...achoo!] So to all of you my friend...please forgive my absence in your blog today [and yesterday, and the day before...achoo!]. I will try to make it up [ achoo]..morrow!

Night! [sniff...sniff]


Nova said…
a..a..achoo!!!! nahawa na ako sa iyo...

a..ah..achoo!!! ano ba ito? nakakahawa talaga te juls...

ganda no? thanks and glad to know that u accepted the same email like that, i was really fascinated with GOD and HOW POWERFUL HE IS...

get some rest dear,, nahahawa nako sa iyo eh... hehehehe...achoo...

i do hope that tomorrow when you read this.. you'll be able to function well..
Merydith said…
Apir tayo sa alergy Jul. I am a multiple sneezer na sabi ni Ryan.
Gorgeous MUM said…
hope you'll feel better soon . . . my dear Mummy J!
honey said…
(achoooo...!!)yOUR SILLY Te J ha...achoo..!!
bluedreamer27 said…
hope you get well soon pinay wahm and as well as these commentators above na nahawa sayo lol
have a great day

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