Happy Mother's Day, Nay!
Mother’s Day is right around the corner. If you haven’t done so, visit 1800flowers.com and find something special for your mother. Make her feel special this Mother’s Day. Why? Read on…
Back in May 1999 I bought a card for my mother. I was then teaching in Taiwan and I was planning in sending it to her for Mother’s Day. But Mother’s Day came and went and I wasn’t able to send the card. My mother passed 2 months before Mother’s Day the following year. The card I intended to send her was sitting in my drawer for years after that. I cry everytime I would see it and think about it as it would have been my last Mother’s Day present for her. So every mothers day, I make it my personal mission to remind everyone I know to get their mothers something on this special day. I failed to do it one year and it is something I will never forget.
I don’t have a mother to buy a present for now and I don’t know which hurts more. Failing to send her that one last mothers day present or the fact that I can no longer do that even if I want to. All I can do now is whisper: Happy Mother's Day, Nay!...and hope in my heart that she "hears" me.
anyway, wla pang apartment.pero 3 na yong pinuntahan ko yesterday. i just have to wait for the others give me their nods.
happy TGIF!!