Mommy's Car...


So I have been on this side of the world for about 7 years...yep, 7 years on Jun 13. With that many years I have been here, I still have not learned how to drive. Actually, I have not EVEN TRIED. I have my learner's permit but I yet to put it into use.

Anyway, this afternoon when we got the mail there was this junk mail on cars. The little one gets those kinds of junk mail as she likes to cut out pictures from them.

While I was busy picking up, I heard her on her "pretend phone". She was 'talking' with the people in the car place that's in the junk mail. I couldn't hear everything she was saying but I knew she was trying to 'buy' a car! She was reading their 'offers'...

Anyway, when she 'got off' the [pretend] phone she told me that she's buying me a car. Yep, a car for me. And guess what? She's getting me a car with "training wheels"!!! Yippee...and do you know what she's using to buy me the car???

...and this is the car she's going to get me...she pasted it on the back of the 'certificate'...

Now tell, don't I have the 'sweetest, smartest' little girl in the world??? LOL! Car with training wheels....that I need.


HulaGirl said…
wahahahaha tawang2 ako while reading this post, nakakatuwa ang little one pano kaya yun with training wheels! lolz

what a smart little angel....
Anonymous said…
wow that's sooo sweeett little girl. smartest ever! How could a little girl think of buying a car for her mom with complete props ever. hahahha nakakatuwa.
Bryan J said…
That was really a cute post, take care
Nanaybelen said…
hehehe. a car with training wheel. LOL
Gorgeous MUM said…
yeah, she really is sweet! and growing up to be such a smart girl! lucky you, mummy J!
Gigi said…
Hey there! That was fUNNY! SMART KID! Just hopping here too. Just got back to Manila about 2 hours ago... And yes: "LICKA MOCHA" seemed kinky eh? Gives you a glimpse of my husband's imagination too... Have a good one!
Shimumsy said…
lol, cute.gusto na nya mag-drive para kayo dalawa pag wala c daddy.
honey said…
Indeed so smart and cute...
Unknown said…
she's really so smart and a real darling. buti pa si baby nakapag isip na bilhan si mommy ng car with training wheels. hehehehe.
Ritchelle said…
Very very sweet and smart indeed!LOve you littel girl,she's adorable and pretty!
Anonymous said…
So sweet, hehhee and smart:)

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