Parents Boarded Flight and Forgot their BABY...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the airport!! Sus! And I think they're FILIPINOS! I'm not sure if I should laugh or what. Why do I think they're Filipinos? Read on...
A family was en-route to Canada. They had to catch a connecting flight to Winnipeg. But guess what??? They had to repack their bags at the airport!! WHY??? Overweight baggage! Sounds familiar??? Yep, something too familiar to Filipinos I'm afraid.
Anyway, because they had to repack their bags, they were running late. So they were all in a hurry to make it to the plane. One thought the baby was with the others. Who's traveling with the baby??? The mother, the father and the least 4 adults...and the baby was not with anyone of them.
They were seated separately so they didn't realize the toddler - 23 months old - was left wandering at the departure gate at the airport! The baby was not given a boarding pass as he was supposed to sit on the adults laps.
Geezzz!!! All these because of overweight baggage????
from Yahoo News
A family was en-route to Canada. They had to catch a connecting flight to Winnipeg. But guess what??? They had to repack their bags at the airport!! WHY??? Overweight baggage! Sounds familiar??? Yep, something too familiar to Filipinos I'm afraid.
Anyway, because they had to repack their bags, they were running late. So they were all in a hurry to make it to the plane. One thought the baby was with the others. Who's traveling with the baby??? The mother, the father and the least 4 adults...and the baby was not with anyone of them.
They were seated separately so they didn't realize the toddler - 23 months old - was left wandering at the departure gate at the airport! The baby was not given a boarding pass as he was supposed to sit on the adults laps.
Geezzz!!! All these because of overweight baggage????
from Yahoo News
nyway, have a nice day mommy j! ingat always! :)
but still that is only 23 months old... tsk..tsk..tsk...
i got you another tag pala it if you do have time...
happy wednesday night...
kung sa bisaya pa...dangag!