Senator Ted Kennedy has Brain Tumor


As it turned out, the fainting spell that happened last week to Senator Edward Kennedy was not a result of stroke but a seizure. The bad news is the seizure is now being blamed for a malignant brain tumor known as glioma found on his left parietal lobe.

According to the news, no kind of treatment has been decided yet as that will be done after some more series of tests. Their spokesperson said that the Senator is in good condition overall and that he is walking around the hospital around the hospital. He would remain in the hospital for a couple more days for the tests they still have to on him.

Just recently, Senator Kennedy pledged his support to Democratic Presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama by endorsing Sen. Obama's candidacy.


Shimumsy said…
i know, i just saw it on tv. hay grabe talaga. we just have to pray for good health always.

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