You and Your Child/ren....A Tag!


Yep, it's raining men...I meant tags. As if I have nothing to do, huh? Actually, I do. I have some coding to do and I did some already. But I'm taking a break...c'mon! LOL!

Anyway, I tagged Juliana RW so she tagged me back...hahaha. So I thought I'd do it ASAP or she may not accept my tags anymore....just kidding, Juliana RW. Thanks much for this tag.

As the title says, it's now time to post [some more] pictures of our little one and yours truly. I actually have very few pics of me and our little girl but I do have them. I had to dig through my stash to find them though. I think I posted some of them here already...

First pic was taken when she was probably 6 months or the beach!

This was taken on the plane on our way to California in October 2005.

This was taken I don't know when...haha. Just us messing around with the camera, I think.

This was taken in December 2007 at DisneyWorld...with Goofy. He wouldn't leave!


~Begin Copy~

Rules :

1. Start Copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy".
2. Choose the photo(s) of you and your child(ren) that you would like to share in your blog, with a small story/explanation about when and where the photo(s) was/were taken.
3. Add your blog name and url blog, then leave your url post in here. And I'll add you to the Master List.
4. Please help spread this tag by tagging your friends as much as you can.
5. Please come back again to copy the update of the master list, often. This process will help new participants to get the same gains as the first participants.

Master List :

1. Juliana's Site 2. Moms.....check nyo 3.PinayWAHM 4. You're Next

~ End Copy ~



Juliana said…
Hi Jul,

Thanks for doing this tag hi hi hi.. YEAH...I will be disappointed if you don't do this tag hua ha ha...just kidding.

Thanks again...You have so many photos with your daughter ^_^. Btw, I added u to master list. See you around....Have a nice day
Norm said…
wow! ganda mo talaga mas maganda ka sa akin lol at mas sexy lol.. by the way love this tag sis gawin ko to maganda cya salamat ha..
Eds said…
hey sis! may tag pla ako dito hindi mo cnasabi hehehe :)

Thanks sa tag ha, ill do it soon bka magtampo ka like Juliana rw hahaha :)
wow...ganda ni mommy!!
Anonymous said…
lagu da reng mi inda. Kaylangan me pang tukyan yan metung pang lalaki. aku uyni kuku yung yung ku banta maka metung kupa. manyad yang baby sister kanu ana.
Anonymous said…
Sabi mu matua na ing bili, eka naman, aku mag 35 naku keng nov. so dapat dalasan kuna bayu la mabuguk denf ebun ng koya. lol
ruby said…
thanks for tagging me,, i do this noiw :)
Ritchelle said…
I love this tag...thank you po.I will do this soon..will give you a buzz when I am done...
Karen Coutu said…
I'm a little late visiting everyone's posts. You have a beautiful daughter.

Hope you'll consider joining me new meme called "Silly Monkey Stories." It starts on Tuesday.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
SHIELA said…
Mommy Juls nagawa ko na tag mo. Salamat.

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