

When we did the closing with the house not too long ago, we of course had to go to the main office of our builder. We signed papers and got the usual pep talk that the lady there has probably done a thousand times already if not more. After her well-prepared speech and after signing all the necessary papers, she handed us the first set of keys to our new house. Were we excited? Of course! But do you know what got me more excited? It’s when she handed us some promotional products which are part of the packet she had ready for us. Yep, those products like pens and night lights with their company logos made ma all excited. Ha! I don’t why but it seems that everything that’s free, no matter how little it is always make one happy. No wonder companies make sure to have them at every given chance. These promotional products, which are also known as 'freebies' definitely make their business more successful. I doubt that they are really 'free' though.


Anonymous said…
That is the best news Pinay, makes me happy to hear that people love to receive free promotional products. We're always trying to come up with new cool products targeting our clients market. Sounds like you received some good stuff.

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