Oh No...


Looks like it's going to be raining again...with thunder and lightning no less! I can already hear the thunder with faint lightning...

I may have to log out again soon so I'll do the hopping a little bit later on.

In the meantime, this is what I have been doing while waiting for my laundry earlier. Yep, with photobucket's help of course.

I'm thinking of having the pictures framed as soon as I learn how to do that. So which one do you like better....the colored one or the greyscale one?


Sweetiepie said…
Hello Mommy J. kumusta? I like both of the pictures here. Just passing by here to say hello. I am so busy lately at work that`s why I have not been here very often like I used to. take care!
Marites said…
your family pic is cute and sweet:) i like it.
Anonymous said…
beautiful family picture, i like both of them.

it's thundering here and my little gurl is acting crazy for sure it will last for another couple hours before she gets over it.

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Both pictures are great. I prefer the colored because there's so much life but black and white sort of captures the moment... but don't listen to me I'm not an art major hehehe. ^_^

Actually we're still homeless. We're just living in the chilly cold streets of Edmonton (joke! corny din hahaha!).

We're still staying with a friend's house. We're renting their basement because the apartment that we're going to rent won't be free until July 1st. It's kind of cozy here in the basement because it doesn't look like a basement at all. And I like it because I get to steal free wifi hahaha! It's all I need to survive (toink!).
Bryan J said…
Hi there, I like the Greyscale one. That is a great picture.
Juhanis M. said…
It rains all the time over here as well. Can't seem to get out of the house a lot these days. Anyway, the greyscale photo looks a lot better. Full of...drama?
Anonymous said…
i like the gray scale as well...

and thanks for the note about my summer school... it's really a good luck for me.. i dont know how if I am going to make it with this biology class.. di marunong magturo yung prof.. bara bara lang sya.. cge ng cge.. wala akong naintindihan sa tinuturo nya...
Anonymous said…
So sweet, another precious moment photo:)
Rowena Tadiarca said…
Sis, for me mas ok yung B&W. I'm back ... naging busy lang in preparation for the school opening. Have a great week ahead.
escape said…
the black and white photo is good for portraits purpose.

what a happy family! stay happy!
Pretty Me said…
Hi Ate J. I love your family pic. So sweet. =) Your beautiful kid is very2x lucky to have parents like you and your hubby!
Gorgeous MUM said…
i like the colored ones better. it's lively than the other one.
greyscale but if you can photoshop it to make it sepia, better.
Anonymous said…
Mas classic ya ing greyscale. Darling uyni apat no deng balik bayan boxes a pickapan da ngeni. Balamu ene mag balik dadala na ing egana gana, numg abalut nyang inda in g walmart ampong sams ibalut nya naman ay naku....nanu ini. Deng mitata ku buri da maka ternu lanaman. Balamu combo la,,LOLOL.
Anonymous said…
i like both, but i like the black and white better. it's absolute classic!

sepia is good too!
Anonymous said…
Either way te is beautiful -but I like colored one....
jana said…
the gray scale is cute too, passing by and missing you hahahaha
buti pa dyan umuulan na...
forecast dito rain daw asam2 ko pa ang rain wala nman!
Anonymous said…
I like the colored one... Have a nice day! thanks for the visit.

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