Old Becomes New Again....
Our little girl has this habit of wanting to play with her 'old toys' or toys that she used to ignore when I decide to put them away.
Everytime I try to put away her old toys, I usually end up frustrated because all of a sudden she would want to play with them.
One good example is an old plastic toy truck we got her when she was about a year old. It's push car for 'wobbly feet' ya know. It helped her gain confidence in walking on her own.
Anyway, she's been asking me for months to take it out from behind the couch so she can play with it and I just kept telling her that it's way too small for her already and that she won't fit on it anymore. But since I am trying to pack and sort things around here, I had no choice but to take the truck out the other day. So she got the chance to prove me wrong...wrong that she's way too big for the car...
I think she's way too big for the car, don't you think? Well, she says otherwise so she's been going around the house leaving 'truck' marks telling me that she fits on it nicely. Right!
I thought of taking a picture of her picture when she was a year old sitting on this same toy truck.
Our little girl has this habit of wanting to play with her 'old toys' or toys that she used to ignore when I decide to put them away.
Everytime I try to put away her old toys, I usually end up frustrated because all of a sudden she would want to play with them.
One good example is an old plastic toy truck we got her when she was about a year old. It's push car for 'wobbly feet' ya know. It helped her gain confidence in walking on her own.
Anyway, she's been asking me for months to take it out from behind the couch so she can play with it and I just kept telling her that it's way too small for her already and that she won't fit on it anymore. But since I am trying to pack and sort things around here, I had no choice but to take the truck out the other day. So she got the chance to prove me wrong...wrong that she's way too big for the car...
But Am I wrong?? See for yourself!!
I thought of taking a picture of her picture when she was a year old sitting on this same toy truck.
Now, this is more like it. Don't you think?
i do that too...hiding away toys, but my little one always ends up finding it!