Baby Bump Pics....a T-A-G!!!


I'm backkk!!! For now anyway. I am just taking this time to update this blog as I was not able to do so yesterday. I came here just to see if anyone dropped by so I could return the favor. Aside from being busy with work, the weather was as usual 'weird'. It's sunny one minute and rainy with thunders and lightnings the next. I had to shut down my computer a few times.

Anyway, I'm posting a tag from Arlene of Life is What we Make it called Baby Bump Pics. I have quite a few pics when I was pregnant but they're buried deep deep deep down the boxes that I have not opened up yet. So I will be posting one that is familiar to my frequent blog's picture. Yep, I was pregnant in that picture. That was taken Christmas 2001 so I was about 5 months on the family way in the picture. I have other pics where the 'bump' is more obvious so I may edit this to post the pics when I get the chance.

Start HERE

1. Copy from ::Start:: through ::End::.
2. Add your blog to the list.
3. Tag your friends. You don’t need to be tagged in order to join. Feel free to join the fun.
4. Don’t forget to let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE so I can add you to the Pretty Momma LIST.
5. Come back regularly to update your master list! You never know? This might help improve your ranking!

Pretty Preggy Momma’s

1.Fun|Fierce|Fabulous 2.Me,Myself+2 3.Confessions of a Supermodel Wannabe 4. Momiespace 5.Because Life Is Fun 6.Bits and Pieces 7.The Shopaholic in Me 8.When Silence Speaks 9.Everything About Deye 10. Etc Atbp 11.VanityKit 12.MindBubbles 13.Stripe&Yellow 14.Something Purple 15.Em’s Detour 16.Living the Healthy Life 17.Juls Random Thoughts 18. Me and Mine 19. Creative in Me 20. Little Peanut 21. Pea in a Pod 22. Sugar Magnolias 23. Life is What we Make it 24. Dancing in Midlife Tune 35. Life’s Questions 36. Photoblog 37. PinayWAHM 38. Teacher's Corner 39. Your blog/s


Tagging: Anne, Bless, Chary, Abby, Shiela, Sheila, D'Cooking Mudra, Cecile, Dez, Emz, Jemi, Joyce, Juliet, Sheng and Shimumsy! C'mon Mommies..let's see those baby bumps!!!!


Shimumsy said…
naku J, give me time to do this, alam mo ba nawala lahat yung preggy pictures ko kasi nag-crash yung hard drive ng comp ko noon nway, i will let you know as soon as may mahanap ako.

thanks for tagging me.
Gorgeous MUM said…
thanks for this! but i'm not sure if i got some preggy pics here. most of our stuff are back in australia. i only have the recent albums here. but i'll try!

Thanks for this meme, Mommy J. Oh well, I need to find some bumpy belly on my "treasure box" hehehe....

Thanks again, will post it later!

Pinaymama's Diary
A Mother's Journal
Simple Life, Simply Me
Life Expressions
Asawa's Love Book
Pinay in States
Emzkie said…
oh my! i dont have any baby bumps pics! sorry mommy J, i was so shy to take pictures of when I had JJ. My bump was not that big and not obvious, although i got a nice bump but i had a hard time accepting that i was pregnant and soon to be a single mom. hehehehe. so walang pics. =). one thing for sure!! maganda ako and sexy nung buntis ako! hahaha.. lalo na pagnakatalikod lol. tnx for the tag ha!
Sunshinelene said…
hi MOmmy J, thank you for playing along. you long so pretty when u were 5 months on the way and am sure always. pretty din ako nun but the thing is i was not able to click one of myself except when i was 1 month on the family way. and one thing too that unable me to have some pics coz i felt just what emz felt in her comment.

have a nice day later, sis!
Dez said…
thanks for the tag juliana. but i don't think i can do this tag. i don't have pics. when i was pregnant w/ my 2 kids. ahehehe.. kase I'm so taba back then. ahaha will have to passed on this. thanks anyways...
Anonymous said…
It's true what they say that pregnant women looks more beautiful than ever. Ganda mo dito sa pic kasi.
Cecile said…
hello dear, oo nga tama ka doon, buti ikaw na scan mo pics mo at ganda mo lalo sa picture noong pregnant ka.a maybe someday pag nagka time ako i open yung baon ng mga pictures ko, hehehe, sige take care and thanks for the visit :-)
SHIELA said…
mommy juls mas maganda ka pala LALO pag buntis ka. dagdagan mo kaya?
about mine nawala din lahat kasi nasira lumang laptop ko. pati picture nawala. hayaan mo baka me mahanap ako sa lumang baul :)

ingat :)

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