Furniture here and there...


Choosing the right furniture for a new house proved to be a not so easy task for me and my husband. As soon as we hit the furniture stores, we realized that we just didn’t want to pick the pieces just because we want to get it over and done with. So now, we are still not done with our furniture shopping. I, of course, am doing a lot of online window shopping. This is how I found Contract Furniture. This place sells restaurant furniture but I have seen some pieces that I’m actually interested in…mostly for the outdoors. The husband is planning in having the outdoor furnished in the future so this place is a great find for us because aside from having really nice looking furniture, the price are within our price range. Hopefully, in the months to come, I can post some pictures here in my blog of both the inside and outside of our my favorite topic here….our house!


Rokahs said…
well, that's a nice idea...posting some pics reur house, anyway just have some fun...God Bless..

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