
Yep, it's Tuesday once again! How's everyone doing?

Us? We're doing ok. The little one and I just spent our first night here in the new house with just the 2 of us. Yep, Daddy is in Texas since yesterday for a business meeting. He'll be back later today so he's only away for a night and 2 days.

The little one is busy right now making cards and what nots for Dad! She's been watching the phone, waiting for her Dad's call. Mind you, he calls maybe 3 times a day but it's not enough for her because she's not used to being away from him.

Ge this, as soon as she woke up yesterday she already wrote "Welcome Home, Dad" on her white board....and he left yesterday! Ha!

Anyway, I hope everyone's having a good week so far. It's only Tuesday but it feels like the end of the week for me already. I wonder if that has something to do with the husband being away. Hmm... can you say the little one is not the only excited for Dad's homecoming later??? LOL...


twinks said…
Your little one is so cute. Oh I bet she's missing her daddy terribly and is very excited for his arrival. And I bed mommy is missing daddy too.. hehehe.. take care :]
Nova said…
LOLs, nakakatuwa naman.. wag naman sana madaliin ang mga days.. char lang.. thanks for the often visits and the commentos te juls.. love it...

as for your comments:
Soon enough talaga, i'll tell you first before i will blog about the fix date, for now, i'm preoccupied with the paperworks for immigration, vaccination and such...hayyyyy..

happy tuesday...
honey said…
KOREK KOREK KOREK.. I'm sure its not just little one ang excited pati na din si mommy.... Yahooooooooooooo...
Gorgeous MUM said…
she's really a sweet kid! a daddy's little princess!

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