Late and Quick Post...


I've been away from the blogging world for most of the day today. I've been busy with a lot of things as usual...which is good.

There's been a lot of work in one company I work for so I'm taking advantage of it. My blogging has to be very limited if I want to make some 'moolah'...

Aside from that, the weather here has been rather crazy for the last few days. At around 4PM, [almost on the dot] for the last few days we get these really bad thunders and lightnings so I'm forced to shutdown my lappy for at least 2 hours.

I'm trying to do some hit backs as much as I can but if I missed your message or comment please pardon me. I'll try to get back on track in my blogging as soon as I establish some kind of a regular schedule.

Thanks all....and I hope you're having a great week so far!


honey said…
Hi te J,..haayyzz at last weather namin dito ay OKzzzz Na..Sana sa inyo din... Happy Tuesday!
bluedreamer27 said…
oh wish you all the best there take care my friend
bluedreamer27 said…
by the way i already have a new post in my A scene to remember blog
and i promise not to missed out it again
i prepared and reserve 7 articles and 4 movie reviews para sigurado na na maymaipopost ako
thanks for alwyas visiting that blog of mine
thank you soooooo much
hello mommy j! ok yung comment mo doon ah....very tugma. hehehe...

anyway, i hope goes well with the moolah can ambon us here if you want. hehehe....

oh diba, rhyme din...puro hehehe ang ending..

always here...muah!!

Pinay Mommy Online
Blessings and Beyond
Anonymous said…
alam mo dito unpredictable din ang weather. uulan tapos nagiging very muggy pagkatapos. weirdo ika nga.

musta nalang dyan.
Anonymous said…
hi there & good morning...well, i'm happy 4 u knowing that ur busy due 2 ur work, at least ur happy naman diba?...needless to say, just keep up and be merry, have a nice day ahead...
Anonymous said…
me, too. all i do now is to visit the people who have visited me...hehehe good day dear! :)
Anonymous said…
ok, thanks dear for posting the tag.i will add your other blog too.

aga mo ngayon, me too, i'm already at work.

ingat diyan.

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