A Lullaby....


Nah...I'm not posting a lullaby here. I just thought I'd share a cute story here about our little one. Well, what she did anyway.

It's a sunny day here today in our neck of the weeds...este woods. So while I worked, the husband decided to go to our other house to pick up some of our big stuff that we left there like an armoire for our bedroom, the little one's dresser and some other things. Aside from that, he also went to the dumps to dump some tree limbs that he cut here in our backyard. So he was pretty much beat after all that.

So we were sitting on the bed late in the afternoon. I was still typing away while watching some TV. The little one was sitting between me and the husband. What was she doing? Well, she was watching at first, then she started humming, then she started singing: "Lullaby, lullaby, lullaby" over and over again. Before I knew it, someone was already sleeping. When I looked over to my husband, it was him. What do you know, the little one sang her Dad to sleep!!! LOL....she told me, "I put him to sleep." Hahaha....well, aside from that, he was also playing with Dad's face while he's snoring away. Ha!

I know the husband fell asleep because he was dead tired...but I can't help smiling whenever I remember our little one singing a lullaby to her Dad. Shouldn't it be the other way around?


awe how sweet! Hehehe imagining the situation makes me smile. Yeah it's supposed to be the other way around but guess daddy's needs a lullaby from their daughters once in a while hehehe.
bluedreamer27 said…
lol baligtad na pla hehe ang baby na ang kakanta ng lullaby para pal\tulugin ang tatay hehe
siguro n\maganda sya kumanta juliana
kaya napatulog si daddy hehe
siguro nakatulog ka din no hehe
aminin!!! hehe
bluedreamer27 said…
thanks nga pla for always visiting my a scene to remember blog thanks ng marami
honey said…
Cute talaga ni Erica..
Btw, te thanks so much for your help ha..I think te, e cancel ko nalang yun then try to buy at blogger. Kasi they need like scott's passport"xerox" and some bla bla bla..hahha ...
tx sweetie said…
wow cute naman talaga ng baby mo Mizz J.hahaha i imagine her real babyish voice singing to his dad so he can sleep.cute cute hmmm... pakiss ako sa kanya ha? dropped u an EC Mizz J
mjsterling said…
whooaaa thats cute...but parang baligtad ata? si daddy yng pina tulog .....
Anonymous said…
Hehehhee ang cute naman sa anak mo! pero baliktad talaga, but I gues that`s the way it is nowadays!!! Happy Sunday Mommy J.
Gorgeous MUM said…
your little one never fail to do such funny and witty things! she surely always brings smile to you and hubby's face!

thanks for the comment. i'm doin great. been busy lately . . . busy going out!

hope you're having a lovely sunday!
SHIELA said…
so sweet!!!

ingat ka mommy juls and have a great week.
MAARTE said…
hahahah I know what you mean!!! Ganyan din mga anak ko sa daddy nila :)
Weng Zaballa said…
hahahaha. ang cute naman! baliktad na pala ngayon! lol
Nova said…
LOLs. that is very funny.. the husband is awfully tired and thank to the angel who helped him put into sleep.. i'm pretty much sure that helps your husband to fell asleep..

that's really cute to see...
Unknown said…
That is so sweet of your litte girl. She is very thoughtful to her dad. She must knew that he was working all day long and in need of rest. So that's what she did!

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