Of Crabs and Cakes...


When I was younger, two of my favorite seafood recipes that my mother made were some kind of a shrimp dish and crab cakes. I tried to make the shrimp recipe but it seems that I may not be able to duplicate her recipe because there are some ingredients that are only found in the Philippines or some Asian stores here. The one that I can ‘possibly’ duplicate is crab cakes because all of the ingredients in her recipe are found here in our local supermarket. But I have another problem…I am not a good cook. I try but I guess some people are just blessed with culinary skills, my mother included. If YOU have a recipe for crab cakes that you can share with me, please do. I will forever be thankful if your recipe will tickle my taste buds.

Anyway, right now I am hyped up with the coming Great American Seafood Cook Off! Why? Because it is during this kind of event that we get to witness some really great home made dishes. And it’s a seafood Cook off!!! This means that there is a big chance that crab cakes will be included in the challenge. This event will be consisted of representatives from the different states where they get to showcase each of their states’ most delicious domestic sustainable seafood. So our state’s representative will use our local ingredients to make his or her entry. Now, that is something ‘fresh’! I am hoping our rep will prepare Crab Cakes! Ha!


Unknown said…
We thought we are going to get some rain last night but didn't. I even heard thunderstorms. Teaser. Heto, dry pa rin and hot, hot, hot!!

Glad you feel better now.

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