She's Singing...


... a medley of her songs....Old McDonalds, Winnie the Pooh...etc. In normal circumstances it would have been fine by me...but she's supposed to be doing her workbook! I asked her if she's done so she stopped singing to say: Not yet...hayyy....

She just doesn't stop talking, singing or what not even if she's doing something else. There are mornings when she wakes up way too early for me to get up. I sometimes get up but sometimes I just can't. So what does she do when she's up and I'm not? SING!!!! the top of her 7 AM some days. She does it in her bedroom but I can still hear her.

Oh well...I guess I should be happy she's a happy little lady...I just wish she would shut up sometimes...ya know?:i


Juliana said…
she must be happy, that's why she is singging :D
Gorgeous MUM said…
good to know erica loves to sing! my little one is like that too, but that that early in the morning! hahaha!
honey said…
hahhaha..what can I say?well, definitely te super cute of her...

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