Simply S-W-E-E-T...


The husband stayed home today because of flu. The little one is always happiest when both of us are within her reach....meaning, both at home. This is why Sunday is her favorite day. If she can't bug me, there's another one to bug.

Today is a bit different though because Dad is sick so she couldn't play with him. Nevertheless, she's happy because she can see Dad anytime her little heart desires.

The whole day, she's been really quiet...letting Dad get the rest that he needs. Every now and then, I'd catch her taking a peek just to get a glimpse of Dad. If he goes to the bathroom at the time she peeks, she gets worried asking where Dad is.

Everytime I had to bring Dad something, or just to check on him, she would be right behind me. I have the water, she has the pills and a bright smile. If I pat Dad's head, she'd pat his arm or his leg. Before we leave the room she always says "I love you, Dad. Feel better tomorrow, ok?"...

When I took a shower, she stayed on the bed laying down beside Dad. Quietly watching him as he sleeps. When I came out of the shower that's what she was doing.

I went to check my emails, she stayed on the bed with Dad. I had to come get her so she could go to bed herself. She tried to convince me to let her stay there. Of course I said no. She settled with a long hug, a pat on his head, a kiss and her line: "I love you Daddy. Feel better tomorrow, ok?"

So yeah...we have one sweet little girl here with us. A chatterbox alright but the sweetest chatterbox at that.


ayan. may taga alaga na kayo. ano nga ba buwa?.. teka...

sabi nun dr. form of hernia daw! lol!
Shimumsy said…
aw! that is a very sweet post. sarap talaga ang baby girl. super sweet ano!
uy gising ka pa!

ewan ko ba kung ano basis nun readability level na yon. yong isa kasing blog na napuntahan ko e post grad daw e dumugo ilong ko sa dami ng grammatical errors...

in short... hindi totoo... mas marami grammatical errors ko e di dapat genius ako! lol!
Anonymous said…
Salamat king bisita at pangadi. e inda mag nerbyus yapa murin pero map namu atin kung kaluguran a miki anak a mekisabe king flight na at misiping lapa. So she should be fine.
Anonymous said…
hello PINAYWAHM, wow. its so touching. i can't wait till my baby girl grows up too. :)
Gorgeous MUM said…
oh, she's so sweet! you and hubby are lucky and so far are doing a very good job raising a princess like her!
honey said…
Soooo sweet! Haaayzzz, mag day dream nanaman lola mo te, How I wish to have a little Angel soon....
Nova said…'ve got a very sweet lil angel sis... reading your whole post makes me smile as i know and you describe your daughter being such a sweet person.. for sure nagmana talaga yan sa ina... hindi lang sa kabaitan, kundi pati na sa pag-uugali...

sana ako rin... hehehehe....

-thank you for the comforting words sis, i'm not feeling any better yesterday as if my heart did sunk the whole day, kasi nga i could not help thinking about it... pero, i'll feel better soon.
Sweetiepie said…
Wow! this is very sweet and so cute...............there is no words to discribe it..........father and daugther bonding time togetheri I think is just great! have a great day!
Unknown said…
sweet talaga ng bb mo. :)
blessedmom said…
sooo sooo sweet! bait na bata mana sa mommy :)i love the photo of ur hubby and ur lil girl touching his head. it shows a caring attitude on her part. ur a great mom! that's all i can say...

thanks for the visit mommy j! take care! hope ur hubby gets well soon...
Nakakatuwa tlga mga kids kht makulit. ur kid & my kid, they are the same. ako kpag may masakit ganyan sya maalaga dn sa akin at hindi nagungulit. evry now & then, he's checking me, hehehe! may consuelo n tayo! kaya kht mahirap i love being a mom!
Naku, flu season n tlga! we just got oue flu vaccine shot yesterday though pricey ok n rin kesa nman magkasakit. ang dali ko pa nmang mahawa! Ikaw sis ingat ka. i hope your hubby feels better soon!
Ciela said…
I am so impressed by the way your daughter was brought up. Nothing is more soothing than the touch of those li'l hands. With a loving wife and daughter around him, he'll sure be feeling well soon.

Btw, thank you for the visit and comment. I can feel your beautiful heart.

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