This thing called "PR"....

...and no, I am not talking about "Public Relations" or "Public Restrooms". I am talking about "that" PR...and if you're a blogger you know what I'm talking about! I'm talking about this ONE!!

So many things have been written err..blogged about this famous [infamous?] PR. We all have our own take on it. A lot of people tried to dissect, understand, analyze or just plain explain it. We all want to have the very elusive PR...but what does it take to get it? Obviously, it's not grammar...har har har. Is it content? Maybe? But content is not everything. So what do we need to do to get, at least a PR1???

Honestly, I have no clue! BUT I know from experience that the following don't really have that much of an impact to MY Blogs getting a PR. Again, this is only based on my PERSONAL blogging experience..and this is ONLY for PR [not Alexa or Technorati or Yahoo or any other that I don't know about].

*Removing the Message box or Shout box or Cbox. [Both my blogs have a message box from day 1...right now, one blog is PR3, the other is PR0].

*Leaving a comment in one of the posts when visiting a blog. [I like to leave comments in posts of blogs I visit...and whenever I do that, I almost always use this blog's URL...rarely do I use the other's blog URL. Guess which one has a PR3?]

*Updating blog daily [I update this blog daily. I only update the other one when I get the chance...again, guess which one has a PR3 now?]

*Link exchange [This blog has way more links than the other one...way more]

*Making the title of the blog and the URL the same - like this one? [This blog's title and its URL are the same...the other one? Not even close.]

These are only some of the things I noticed. Let me just reiterate, I have nothing against those blogs that do those things I mentioned. I'm just, like many others, trying to make sense on how this thing is achieved.

Out of Topic: Edited to ADD...

For the 2nd time today....IT'S..


Nova said…
I am not either after of PR's because i was once been into a PR0 for a long time, the only thing that matters to me now is how i can share what i am experiencing, my thoughts, and facts to the world, though i did once want to have a PR...

I have been reading some articles about it many time, because its really distracting me to know what and how G do with their PR? and some search engine just wont even care with the PR as long as you have the content in which is sense in your blog to give infos to the readers.

i'll try to take advantage with this PR while i still can, who knows soon enough i'll be back to my normal rank...

soon, you'll find answer to your questions... happy tuesday po..
Unknown said…
Neither do I. I give on researching about it and I just finally threw the towel and said, good for those who have it. But for me I stopped digging in the haystack.

Anyway, happy Tuesday!
ruthinian said…
I can relate... very well. Just like you... this PR thing-y really blows my mind. I have 6 blogs... and guess what only one got a PR2 and the rest PR0 and guess what again... the blog that got a PR2 is my only "tagalog" blog. Galing ng Pinoy huh! But still I can't deny the fact that I badly want the PR, it's a good motivation for me especially for my blog that I use for PPP because I know for a fact that when the PR is good, there are lots of opportunities offered for me to write about and earn $$$$. If not for that reason alone, I don't care much about PR.

Oh well, for my tagalog blog... I can't do much about it because even if it has a PR value, I can't use it for PPP because they only accept pure english content blogs. huhuhuhu...

Nice post my friend. Keep it up.
Vhiel said…
ay naku ate... same here.. my main blog has a good traffic compare to my other blogs.. but it doesn't have any pr.. but my other blogs.. they have one.. I am using the title and the url as the same.. mainly for people to easily remember it... i use meta tags but nope.. no pr for my can of thoughts... but i think the issue is bec there's a particular code on my blog that google dont like.. but I have to have it for ppp... issue of google and izea rankins has a little bit to do about it, i guess.. but then my other blog has that one too.. so i am as confused as you are. i leave comments on blog whenever I get a chance as well.. so i guess we just have to see...

and oh.. those rains that you are getting, send some over here.. its been really hot here in texas.. we need some
HulaGirl said…
I give up too, lol musta kana ganda, eto nabuhay na naman ako hahahaha

ms u
honey said…
My blog te is still 0.. who knows tomorrow I will wake up with PR7.. ambisyosa..hahhahaah
there is no answer. google does ini-mini-minie-mo for the PR. natawa naman ako dun sa wrong grammar requirement- hindi alam ny robot crawler yon!

with pinaymomblogs, i took out widgets that say i accept paid blogging and tried to mask the paid blogging disclosures required by some advertisers by doing the expandable posts thingy in my reviews. kung baga, the required disclosures are on another page, not the first page.

...siguro lang ha...
JK said…
Hi I had a PR of 4 for a long time... Nancy started posting reviews and it maintained as a 4for a while... then one day it just dropped down to a 2... My site traffic was the same as before and We still posted as before... I staid at a 2 for a long time then hmmm just yesterday out of no-where my PR left altogether... I still have the same kinda traffic... My page still loads the same... I receive comments on my posts... Im my opinion I believe the whole PR thing is Bogus and the give and take it as they feel fit... I am not worried because I still have my friends such as your self visiting and telling me how great the site is... The words from such great friends as you mean more then a dumb PR from google...
Anonymous said…
i like this ..... especially that part about the Grammar *wink*
J said…
so much have been said about this thing called Pr, but no one has ever really found out how one site gets ranked. so I just take it as whatever...

late hopping, you don't know what's on my plate right now. not in the mood to blog, I ran out of topics tp write or better yet I should say, I'm emotionally drained.

hope I'll get to write about it before...

All I can say for now is I'm so down....

take care!

Eds said…
Hay naku! aku din sis! I've been researching and asking too many people about PR but nothing seems to know the real deal.

Hay feeling ko nga hulahula lang si MR G eh.. kung sino matipuhan hahaha! :)
i think nobody knows for sure how g gets their pr ratings... i've been reading articles on how to increase rankings but it's all gibberish. oh well...

maybe one day it'll be based on grammar. who knows? keeping my fingers crossed for this one. wahoo!
Race said…
yeah you're right juliana, we're not sure really how to maintain our PR if ever we got a high one. to me no matter what PR you have basta you enjoy what you're doing sharing your thoughts and meeting friends online like you. earning little compensation is a bonus. i thank God for everything He gives me, He always have purpose for everything that happens in our life, my sister told me when my PR decreased from 3 to 2 that God wanted me to rest for a while o di ba galing ng explanation nya? kase overworked na raw ako with regular office job and part-time blogger, i smiled and told her OO nga ano! anyway sis I've got a tag for you at regards and take care!
Gorgeous MUM said… daming nalilito at naloloko sa pr!

i am not into pr's but i have read a lot of complaints about it. sad, that no one seems to know how pr's are based upon.

but surely, you've got such a high pr, just with friends alone!
Jean Marie said…
i am too is confused about this PR thingy... I have my old blog and it's been months since I last updated it. Surprisingly, I opened it last week and saw it has a PR! and then the following day, it was gone. I guess I got pranked by Mr G.
Anonymous said…
Let us think that PR is nothing! My speculation for this PR thing - SIMPLY UNPREDICTABLE! No one knows how our blogs are being rank but google. They said content plus traffic - oh I doubt it! What I can say is this is not really fair because I know a blog that has consistent above 200 visitors a day but PR0 too bad right, but there is a blog that is not updated in 2 months and got PR2. Wowowoww!!! Amazing but whatever PR is simply I will not hope to get one again for my blogs. hihihi =) I will enjoy blogging and making money still.
Juliana said…
don't thing too much about PR, Jul. I also don't understand how the formula is :D

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