What's for Dinner???


That's our little one's favorite question I think. Everyday without fail, she has to ask me what we're having for dinner...sometimes as early as after [or during] breakfast.

So what did you have for dinner tonight? Us? Well, my father and daughter tandem had tacos with ground turkey. We don't eat beef here anymore. We used to but we seem to be getting not so good meat so we decided to stop buying beef and use ground turkey instead for our tacos and burgers.

As for me...I had rice and 'tuyo'....the bottled tuyo. It's not as good as the real one but I can't fry them here, especially with the 'noses' I have in the house. They just stink up the whole house so I have no choice but to settle with the bottled tuyo...better than no tuyo at all, ya know. I also had the 'crab meat' in bottle...yep, taba ng talangka...can you say: CHOLESTEROL!!!! Oh well...I only eat that once in a blue moon...and tonight...the moon is B-L-U-E!!

That's our dinner tonight. How about you? What did you have for dinner?


we had tinolang pork ribs and daing na galunggong fried to a crisp! hehehe... sarap nung GG

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