Blog Awards... tags!
Vhiel of Can of Thoughts.....

“You are never a burden.. don’t ever think that. Friends need each other to pick them up when they are down and I would do nothing less. ”
Dawn Drover~ Twisted Sister
A Million Dollar Friend is the kind of person who instinctively knows what it means to be a good friend; this kind of person makes you look forward to the days ahead and fondly remember the days that have passed. - A Nice Place In The Sun
A million dollar friend is someone who not only pulls you up when you’re down, but also always finds a way to not let you fall. - Abelle, Only in Silence
"A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down" ~Arnold Glasow- Vhiel, Can of Thoughts
"A friend is one who knows you well and loves you just the same!" ~ Juliana, Pinay WAHM
You Here! Post your nominees and tell the world what a million dollar friend to you means. That’s it!
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have a great day and i wish for all awards to came upon your wonderful blog
have a greatday see yah