D - R - I - V - I - N - G...


I've been asked several times the question: Why are you not driving yet? I guess it's a fair question because I am residing in a country where almost everyone is 'expected' to learn how to drive once they hit a certain age. It's more like a necessity here more than anything. Honestly, I am NOT offended when I'm asked that question. I really don't mind answering it so I thought I'd make a post out of my answer....I need an interim post anyway...hahaha....

It's almost always a surprise when I tell people that I've been here in the US for 7 years already and I still don't drive. Yes, that's usually when THE question arises. I used to say that I drive, not a car, bu my husband crazy! But it got old so I stopped saying it. Ha!

So why don't I drive yet???

There is no ONE reason why I don't know how to drive...yet. It's more like an accumulation of reasons over the years. First, I got pregnant before I had the chance to get on the wheels. I said I'd wait until after the baby was born. It didn't happen.

Then came my WAHJs. My inability to drive was the reason why I looked for a work-at-home job. Luckily I found something I could do online. So I can say that because I am able to work at home my desire to learn has diminished greatly over the years.

I am also happy at home. I am known by friends to be a homebody...in the truest sense of the word. I can go for months without leaving the confines of my home. It's just me. I am content doing what I'm doing at home....and I don't see the need to go out as often.

How does my husband feel about it? He of course wants me to learn...if only for emergency purposes. And if there is one reason that will make me learn how to drive...that will be it...just in case of emergency.

Will I ever learn? Yes. It's not a case of IF but more of a WHEN. One day, I'll be able to use that Learner's Permit that's been in my wallet for 2 years. Believe it or not...it's not near its expiration date yet. So anytime I get the urge to learn...then I will....


Bryan J said…

Your DRIVING post was really great and I enjoyed reading it and learning why you don't drive. I really admire the fact that you are so comfortable just being at home. That really shows just how comfortable and content you are with your home. See ya later and TC

maicel said…
thanks for your help. really appreciate it, mommy J! hope you won't run out of patience with me! starting to love yah! har! mwah! salamat talaga!
tx sweetie said…
haha.wow.u just got me wide-eyed MIss J for not driving.HAHAHA..many are so makulit trying to encourage me to learn driving but I just can't force myself to drive yet..hindi pa sa ngayon..takot ako mamatay eh! lolz...

Ako din driving permit ko natutulog lang din..exp.date '12 pa..wait muna ako ng ilang buwan before mag exp.tsaka ako mag aral mag drive.
honey said…
They say te, it's really nice that you know how to drive. OK lang cguro not in a car yet! andyan naman c hubby eh!..ehhehe....

lab yah te J.... :)
Anonymous said…
have a safety driving
Gorgeous MUM said…
driving is fun! get yourself up and start learning!

good luck!
trancepass said…
drive safe, dont drink and no speeding..!
keep blogging
hi mommy j!

i wanted to learn how to drive too kaso wala naman akong car. hehehe...

anyway, i am like you. i can go months without leaving home. kala ko unique na ako...pero may kasama pala ako half way around the world. hehehe....

thanks for dropping by....muah!!

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DebbieDana said…
I enjoyed reading your post, I can't help but to smile so wide! I found out that we have alot of things in common... I'm also a homebody like you, don't know how to drive yet, ( got pregnant right away too! ) but...i'm not the one telling people that I drive my husband crazy, it's him,as a joke! hehe.

But yes, we really have to learn how to drive, for emergency purposes!

Sabay na lang tayong mag drive ha? lol!

Hope you have a great day!!!

Debbie :)
Unknown said…
I got mine Jul since my boss before required me to do so. I used to the ride bus and it was fun. I learned every street in the city I lived in. It was definitely cheaper.

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