Dating 101...a Tag!


Another day, another tag! This time Eds and Dez tagged me at the same time. They must be that 'curious' about my dating life, eh?

Players: Ozzy’s Mom | Me,Myself + 2 | Kidd Designs | Fun.Fierce.Fabulous | Me and Mine | Little Peanut | Pea in a Pod | Creative in Me | Notable Bistro | Sugarmagnolias |Around the World | Eds Mommy Life | My Precious Niche | Just Me.. Eds |Pinay WAHM | Teacher's Corner | YOUR BLOGS

1. When was your first kiss and where?

-- I was 'old' when I had it. It was in April 1992 somewhere out there...

2. When was your first real relationship and how long did it last?

-- What's real anyway? I guess it has to be the one I had when I was working already and it lasted for 3 years I believe.

3. What age were you allowed to date?

-- Never? My parents never really set any age but I knew they were against it while I was still in school. Did I follow? That's for me to know and you to find out...hahaha...

4. What’s the craziest thing you did (for love) when you were a teenager?

-- None. I don't think I did anything for love until I was way older...mid-20s maybe?

5. How long was your longest relationship and what’s the secret?

--For a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship...3 yrs. The secret is the 'relationship' itself. We kept it under wraps for a long time...well, until we broke up...haha. BUT my longest relationship is the one I'm in right marriage...we'll be married 7 years in a few days!

6. How long did you date before you decided to settle down?

-- How long did I date my husband? 4 months....hahaha. We met April, we got married August.

7. How did you know he was the ONE?

-- We just clicked from the time we met. We're very similar in a lot of things so we understand each other. I used to say we're twins.

8. Now, at what age will you allow your kids(s) to date?

-- According to the husband, 35!! Not negotiable...

9. When it comes to your kids dating, will you be a cool parent or a strict parent?

-- More like STRICT! Well, not sure actually.

10. What piece of advice can you give to your child when they start dating?

Be responsible!


ang hirap gawin ng number 8!
WebbieLady said…
Wow. Traditional na traditional. This tag is very interesting..I too became suddenly interested in your love life.. ^_^ Was that okay?
Vhiel said…
oh... i love the answer on how long did you date? hahaha... i think mine was the longest... 2 months... hihihihi
Gorgeous MUM said…
nice to know bits about your lovelife! got this tag too, but i'm lazy to do it yet. your #8 answer made me laugh! wawa si erica, not negotiable! hahaha!
Emzkie said…
thats a nice tag mami. i got 1 for u 2 @

have a nice day!
Dez said…
ahaha. natawa naman ako dun sa number 8. thanks for doing the tag. mommy J.
Cecile said…
i like most of your answers here, funny but true :-), am i right?
Cecile said…
my favs two are 6 and 8
Eds said…
Sis ano ba ung #1 mo- somewhere out there! db kanta un? hhahahaha :)

thanks for doing this sis! :)
Ciela said…
Nice to know a little more about your love life. Have pity naman for that cute little lady of yours. Wag naman 35, maybe 34 pwede na! ha ha ha. just kidding!

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