Food Tags.....


Got tagged by 2 mommies...about foods this time. Foods that my little one likes.

Tag 1: Kids Fear/Food Factor

This is from Something Purple...

~~~Start Copy~~~

1.) Name something strange that your kids love to eat. Doesn't matter how many.
2.) Post an image of him or her enjoying 'the' strange food liking. If none, just a photo of him having a feast.
3.) Add your kids name in the linky love with the blog where you posted this meme.
4.) Get back to Living the Healthy Life Blog by leaving a comment so your kids' name be added to the master list.
5.) Tag as many of your friends with kids.

Kids who joined the fear food factor: ETHAN / MARTHA / JJ / Ozzy / GABBY and NICCO / Little One / YOUR KID's NAME with your Blog's URL

~~~End Copy ~~~

Our little one is not very adventurous with food. She eats raw veggies since her Dad does the same so it's not much of a fear/food factor. When she was younger though she used to eat frozen bread...sliced loaf. But she outgrew it already. That's as far as she went.

I also cannot find a picture of her eating. So I'm posting the next best thing...with a picture of her helping with breakfast. She likes to help when I'm cooking though but I only let her when I'm making breakfast or when I'm baking something.


Tag 2: Snack Time

Thanks to Cecile for this one.

I want all mommies to share their kid’s favorite snacks.When you are done with the tag link me up
here so I can add your blog(s) to the master list.
I Am Mommy 2. All About The Memories 3. Enchanted Play 4. Just My Scrap 5. My Happy Place 6. Iam Dzoi 7. 8. Suburban Sass 9. To the Moon and Back 10. Raising Sandy 11. Something Purple 12. Em’s Detour 13. Mind Bubbles 14. Stripe&Yellow 15. Vanity Kit 16. Living A Healthy Life 17. My Views On My So Called Life 18. My Virtual Closet 19. The Real Deal The Real Me 20. Life is Good and Beautiful 21. Pinay WAHM / 22. YOU

This second is all about food again but this time it's our little kiddo's favorite snack. She actually does not snack much as she always eats a full meal. But she likes foods that any normal kid likes.

She likes chocolates and ice cream and any sweet. She likes fast food..surprise, surprise. That's basically the food that she likes.


laura said…
cute naman ng baby u nakakatuwa xa d2 serious na serious.

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