

I woke with what else but RAIN!!! Oh what the 'shrink' said, maybe I should stop singing, eh? Hold on....I have not done that in months. I guess I have to stop the little one from having these concerts everyday!

Anyway, amidst the rain and gloomy weather [and the non-stop singing around here] I woke up with a few nice tags from some of my blogger friends. So I thought of posting them here first thing in the morning....well, second thing actually...

This first one is from my little sister in the blogging world...Nelle of Stranded Life. I already posted this one but since it's coming from little sissy, I just have to post it again! Thanks, Nelle!

This second one I posted just yesterday I think. But I got about 3 of them from my other blogger friends so I just thought I'd post it again and give a shout out to those who handed it to me....Madz, Jhona and Ritz! Thanks much ladies!


Norm said…
thanks for the visit sis! have a great weekend..
Marites said…
Hi Jul, I have a tag for you :) in my blog:)
Micawatson said…
happy weekend..ulan na naman..hehehe
bluedreamer27 said…
hello juliana great is wonderful that blogging is now an open door for friendship right?
and btw do you love watching sci-fi films? well if you are interested i just listed out TOP 5 MOST RENOWN SCI-FI WRITERS and their famous sci-fi creations
hope you like it
have a great day
jm said…
hello ate juliana,
naku naunahan pala ko na sabihin 'tong tag sa'yo.. kc nman di ako gaano nagchecheck ng blog. busy kuno.. kamusta ate?
eto maayos pero mumuran lagi PH. haay, panahon nga nman. ynagtz kayu pu ken :hug:
from friend, --> jm

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