Here Comes the....

the Rain Again...........

And the little one is singing: "It's raining, it's pouring, it's so very boring! "

Actually, it just stopped! What do you know? Ha! The little one was sitting here beside me when the rain started. I guess she got bored so now she's watching another one of her DVDs.

Nothing much going on here. I'm still trying to follow Fay through the Weather Channel.


hi juls i have tagged you here:
Cecile said…
this video of rain is so cool! thanks for sharing it with us :-)
Anonymous said…
hehehe. just blog-hopping ;-)

i actually started singing in my head when i read your post's title + the pic. hehehe. go 80s!
Tey said…
hmmm raining here in Toronto Juliana.. Good thing you have to stay at home..
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Nanaybelen said…
nice to see that rain .it is crystalic. here in manila, once it drop turns blackish... yakkky..
Unknown said…
Oh it's been raining here too for three days now. We lost power this morning for three hours. Hubby had to call me to open the garage manually when he came home this morning.

Love the animated rain.

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