I Wish...I Wish for....

At least a day with no problem with our cable service provider. The husband is now busy looking for another provider. I am keeping everything crossed that we will find one that we like so we can move on and get rid of this provider we have right now.

Here's wishing you all a good day today. It's already Thursday! I have quite a few things lined up today but I'm not sure if I can accomplish them all today. Wish me luck, okay?


Gorgeous MUM said…
i hope you can find the right one with no flaws, hopefully!

thanks for the thought! i do wish someone can help! hahaha! hubby got irked at me because i haven't done much and the big packing day is tomorrow! bits of odds and ends are everywhere!

hay naku!
Nova said…
that might be long te juls ha... hopefully that it is a better day for all of us..

though we have a crappy weather na dito..and yes it is starting to get cold na rin ha.... nakakaluka... pumapasok talaga sa mga buto ko ang lamig...
Cecile said…
that's ok dear, you are mst welcome :-)

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