One More Time with Feelings....

Yep, since his stint in the Beijing Olympics is done, here's one more glimpse of the Golden boy...Michael Phelps! As you can, this is a combination of his photos upon winning each of the 8 gold medals.

I watched a couple of his interviews on the news today. It seems that even if he's no longer in the competition, he is still the 'talk of the town'. Some news are saying that him winning the 8th gold was actually the peak of the Beijing Olympics. Ratings are expected to go down sharply after his last event. Oh was good while it lasted, eh?

Photo from Yahoo News


Yupp, I've seen him winning at this year Olympic in China. He was awesome!

Btw, dropping my EC here and thanks for keep peeking me Mama Juls.
Michael Phelps is juts awesome. Actually, he did take away the spotlight from a few noteable US athletes who did well, too. But winning 8 gold medals in a single Olympics is pretty amazing. Go Phelps! hehe

Rokahs said…
well, although am quite busy with my schedules for office works to be done on time and added to it also was the recent turmoil in our area. hence, I just want you to know that in spite of all those things I'm still here...God Bless.
Gorgeous MUM said…
a big shot to stradom for him! he deserves every minute of it! he earned a lot!
Nova said…
his a history you know, imagine winning the 8 events of swimming in the olympics with competing the whole world? that's really one of a kind...

how was it here te juls? just visiting you and checking updates...
bluedreamer27 said…
whoah hes so amazing
for winning those 8 golds i think it would be hrd for other plaeyrs for any upcoming olympic games to break his record
have agreat day juliana
by the you might want to see who are those solo performers that gain much popularity as they leave their group of where they came from at my blog
hope to see you there
more power and God bless
DebbieDana said…
He's America's superstar!

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