Paris Hilton....for President???


That's what I read in the news! Ha! Nah..actually it's her and her camp's way of getting back at John McCain for having this ad where Ms. Hilton's name was mentioned. The video actually made the Hilton matriarch - Kathy Hilton - quite angry.

Anyway, I looked up the video on You Tube..and what do you know...there's a bunch of them there. Surprise, surprise. Here's that video....funny or not?

Edited to Add: Sorry but it seems they pulled out the video at You Tube.


Wooh! Vote Paris Hilton! Because she's hot! Hahaha!
HulaGirl said…
hehehe so funny mommy J, PINK house na yun pag si paris ang president lol
Allen's Darling said…
paris is pretty heheheee

Ate pinaywham its nce to hear from you so sorry it takes me too long to reply wow so busy these days. I have only few hours in my past time now im off i am here at home so i have time to reply your comments. thanks and God bless i hope ur not making tampo na hahhahaa God bless
mjsterling said…
This is a funny video.napanood ko din eto kanina nong nag ec drop ako..nakow ang white house magiging pink na woohoooo lols!
Lynn said…
Oops, i was about to view the video but it's no longer available.

Paris Hilton for president? That would be ridiculous if it is true. Hehe.

I'm okay, Sis. Thanks. How r u? Thanks for the visit. Take care!
Dez said…
ahaha. this is funny. I'm fine. thanks for always remembering. hope you're always fine too.
Anonymous said…
well..america's going crazy to have a president such a Paris Hilton..nice post to bring some traffic there..great job..visiting you here..

yeah i'm fine thx..hope ur doin fine's just i'm very busy with my project in a last couple month..thank u for visiting my blog..i've maintain my blogroll coz to many blogger cheating not linking to my blog..but yours and other who still in my blogroll doesn't..i'm really appreciate it..many thx to u..

hope you had a success with your blog..why don't you sign for a affiliates program out there..your blog has a PR..good to try..cheers..:)
if you think of it, paris's proposal is better than either obama's or the old dude. grabe. paris was approached pala by 2 producers ( one of them is brooke shield's hubby) to do a spoof to be posted on will ferrel's site.

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