Ready for a Vacation...


Summer is almost done. A lot of families are already back from their summer get-a-way. Us? Well, we just stayed home. Life is quite busy for the husband especially at work so we were not able to go anywhere. But it does not stop me from hoping that one day we will be able to go on that much needed family beach vacation we have been planning for the longest time. I have been doing a lot of searching and comparing. I’ve seen quite a few places we can possibly visit but the husband wants to go back to New Jersey. He said he had a great time there a few years ago that he wants me and our little one to visit it ourselves.

So I started to look for places we can possibly visit in New Jersey. What do you know, I found some resorts in Wildwood NJ that will be perfect for us. Morey’s Pier in particular seems to be a great place for a New Jersey vacation. They have a weekly special that is perfect for a family like ours and their website has everything from hotels and motels to the different attractions that we can enjoy. I am tempted to start planning our get-a-way but I have to wait for the husband’s schedule to free-up. Sigh…I am so ready for a vacation.


Unknown said…
Aren't we all?

But it is so different now that we have kids and all. You just can't pack one bag and you're ready to go. Everything has to be plan accordingly.

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