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Mother and Son

I thought I'd stop posting about Michael Phelps but after seeing this picture at US Magazine website, I can't help but grab and post it here. I can only imagine what kind of sacrifices his Mom had to go through so her son can go this far. I've only seen a few of his events but at the end of those events, I would always see him go to his Mom to give her a kiss. This is one of those moments....

Picture courtesy of USMagazine


Unknown said…
I'm sure his Mom is very proud of him. An amazing accomplishment! ow athlete who wants to be like him is pressure than ever. Gee, I wonder if there someone who can. Eight gold medal?

How's Wednesday Jul?
jana said…
ai-ai BF ko yan hahahaha cute nya talaga...
everyone is becoming a michael phelps fanatic already, even my mom! Can you believe that?

But yeah he is really amazing for winning 8 gold medals!

If I perhaps did that I'd be a national hero in the Philippines, even if I was playing for Canada hahaha.

Have a great rain-free week (hopefully)!

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