What's Up??
I'm quite bored today. Nothing exciting happening around here. I just finished making dinner and we're now waiting for the husband to come in...he just arrived from work and is now unhooking his trailer.
I've done a few tasks but have not blog hopped yet. I'd probably do that later on. I have to start cutting up my roast chicken so it's ready when the husband and the daughter are ready to eat.
In the meantime, I would like to thank Pinaymama - Joy of Garden of Moments and Carol of insights from the grocery cart for these 2 awards/tags. Thanks Mommies....appreciate the thought as always.

I've done a few tasks but have not blog hopped yet. I'd probably do that later on. I have to start cutting up my roast chicken so it's ready when the husband and the daughter are ready to eat.
In the meantime, I would like to thank Pinaymama - Joy of Garden of Moments and Carol of insights from the grocery cart for these 2 awards/tags. Thanks Mommies....appreciate the thought as always.

but anyway, my computer is fix now.. di namin natanggal yung spyware so we end up reformatting the hard drive... pero bumili muna kami ng back up for the files that we want to save... so si hubby was busy for a couple of days trying to fix the computer.. buti naka bakasyon sya..
mipakaba ing kananung kwento... lol
Visiting u here. Musta na? Hope is well and good with you. Thanks for the visit din.
Take care!
Ester's Daily Thoughts
Ester's Money Journal
Ester's Recollections