Halloween...then Thanksgiving...already?


Today is September 23, 2008 already. How can that be? It seems that it’s only yesterday when we welcomed 2008 and now it’s almost over. Anyway, our little one is very excited when the ‘ber’ months come rolling in. Nope, it’s not only because of Christmas but because of all the big ‘celebrations’ that happen during this time of the year like Halloween,of course. If Halloween is big for the little ones here in the US, Thanksgiving is big for grown ups here. It’s because of Thanksgiving that I learned how to make pumpkin pie. Who would have thought? Anyway, every year I try to look for new pumpkin pie recipe I can try out. It’s the husband’s favorite so we don’t only make it on Thanksgiving but throughout the year. It won't be long before I can be called the 'pumpkin pie' princess! Nah!


BongFlo said…
yup, your right! time sure does fly... dito sa pinas, "ber" months are here and it is synonymous already with xmas. this early, you can hear xmas songs playing, and so plenty of xmas advertisements this early... reminding people to shop early and avoid the rush. nagpapaalala na naman ng gastos. it is likewise one way of reminding us na tumatanda na tayo, hehehe. btw, have something for you, go check out my site.
Unknown said…
Hay naku, sinabi mo pa. I like the weather, it's cooler.

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