My FACE is swollen!!!


Yep, I noticed that the left side of my face is swollen while I was trying to sleep last night. I didn't notice it when I took a shower though. I went to bed hoping the swelling will subside while I'm in didn't.

I checked it first thing in the morning and it's still the same...not sure if it got bigger since it looks the same [to me anyway]. The husband didn't notice it when he left for work because it was still dark when he left but when he came back home [to meet a repair guy for our fridge], he went: "Honey, what happened to your face? It's lopsided!!"...LOL!!

Not sure what happened but I don't feel any discomfort whatsoever. It's a bit 'itchy' so I'm thinking maybe something 'bit' me but there's no visible sign of that. The husband, as crazy as he is, suggested that I probably had a 'stroke' and I just don't know it...hahaha. It's not my gums either because I don't feel anything unusual there.

Oh well....I have to get going. I just thought I'd let you in on this 'new development' in my life....exciting, eh???


Nova said…
hi te juls.. hope your face would be back to its normal uhmmm... position? might be something sa teeth mo sis... yong sa teeth ko yon eh,, may abstains then i didn't noticed na namaga na pala face ko due to it. make sure gums mo is okay... di swollen...
J said…
yay, what can that be? I would have been inundated by lines susch as: "go see the doctor" if that was F.

hope it subsides ASAP. wednesday was bliss. the weather here has been good lately kahit lumalamig na.

Unknown said…
it might be an insect bite sis...hope it will get better soon.

btw, thanks for visiting my food blog and pls. grab the award here.

have a nice day!
go to ER!!! if that's an insect bite and you're allergic to it, the bite being in the face region is quite dangerous. i went to the ER a week ago. i was bitten by an insect on my right arm. my arm swelled as in! the bite was also itchy that i kept scratching - the scratched area developed a booboo that became super infected - had to take antibiotics pa.

have a doctor look at your swollen face. it's never bad to play it safe.
Micawatson said…
Better to go to the doctor and let them check out...that's strange if you didn't feel any sore, that's something.
Unknown said…
I had that happened to me Jul about a month ago. I was something I ate from cured ham. When I woke my whole face was swollen and my whole body was so itchy. I had to see my allergist for a medicine. I was miserable.
Lynn said…
Am i late for this? How r u now, Sis? Hope you're better.

Take care!
Unknown said…
Might be something sa teeth mo sis... yong sa teeth ko yon eh,, may abstains then i didn't noticed na namaga na pala face ko due to it. make sure gums mo is okay.
club penguin cheats

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