A Style of Her OWN...


Just this week, I started to feel the cool air when the husband opens the door when leaving for work. The little one can also feel it when she goes biking in the driveway in the morning. I went through her clothes today to see if she has some warmer clothes she can wear in the morning when she bikes. Nope, not even one piece of her fall clothing still fits her. Well, I actually didn’t expect that she’d still fit on those clothes. So now, it’s time to shop for her fall wardrobe. I already started looking actually and I have found some already that I like. One brand I want to get her in the future is from the Tea Collection boutique. I have seen some pieces that I think will go perfectly with our little one’s personality. Needless to say, at 6 years old, she already has her own style. Something I didn’t have when I was her age. Actually, I still don’t a style until now. Ha!


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