TV Character...a Tag!


Got this interesting tag from Lynn of My So-Called Life. Thanks much!

I do "watch" TV a lot...actually, more like "listen" to TV since I usually do it when I'm working. I have a few favorite but I don't get to follow them on their original air time so I try to catch them on re-runs.

The family's ultimate favorite is "Monk, the defective detective" so it's the first quiz I took. Read on...

My next choice is NCIS. I've only recently started watching this one and I've been following its back to back telecast in the afternoon. Read on...

*begin copy here*

  1. Take some Personality Quiz here. At least 2 (two) of it.
  2. Post the result on your blog and then leave a comment here so that I can add it to a Which TV Shows Character Are You? master list.
  3. Pass this tag to a blogger who you think watch a TV Shows. OR, if you interested in having fun, just include yourself in.
  4. Update the list on your post regularly to ensure everybody gets equal link benefit.

Which TV Shows Character Are You?
1. Snapshotcap 2. Azlan 3. My so-called Life 4.Pinay WAHM 5. You're Next!

*end copy here*

Let me tag: Roselle and Nelle !! C'mon girls...time to talk about those fave TV shows that are keeping you glued on the small screen!


thank God i was not tagged. i wouldn't have anything to answer. ^_^ and it was a good choice to tag our friend nelle. im sure she has many things to share. i missed her though. she's been sick. :(

as for the food, the oriental pork chop was sweet. delicious but not my type by choice. hehehe

Pinay Mommy Online
RoSeLLe said…
hahaha nice tag aling juls! alam mong t.v. addict din ako ha :) will do this one po as soon as i get the chance :) then will buzz you. mustasa tayo dyan? :D
Unknown said…
I so love Monk so I know Natalie Teeger. She's awesome and the show is awesome.

Have a great weekend Jul!
Pok Dell said…
Updated you on master list..
Luckily you're not participate in American Idol..hahhaa
Lynn said…
"If someone messes with u, they'd better watch out."

I'm scared. Lol. Just kidding, Sis. Thank u for doing this. Glad to know that u had fun.

I'm fine pala, Sis. Thank u for asking. How about u? (",)

Take care!

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