Busy Life


Busy, busy, busy....that's how I would describe me for the last few weeks. This is the reason why I hardly know what day it is. If the little one is not checking her calendar daily, I wouldn't even know that Halloween is in just a few weeks. Speaking of which I am still looking for a costume for her and we might just buy it in one of the stores around. We should have done that last weekend when we were out BUT I forgot all about it. Can you tell my mind has been preoccupied lately?

While we were at a store last weekend, the husband mentioned about getting batteries for his watch. Again? It hasn't been that long since he got batteries for it so I was surprised when he said he needed new batteries for it. Could it be that his watch need to take a hike already? Hmmm....that kinda' gave me an idea...Christmas present for him! Maybe I can get him of the Sector watches I found online. Hey, it's not too early to be thinking Christmas already, is it? Before we know it, it's going to be Christmas anyway.


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