Cool Blog Award....a Tag!


Michelle passed this tag on to me. It's a butterfly! Yipee...LOL. The little one here likes butterfly a lot so it's big hit for her to say the least. Thanks much for this Michelle.

Once accepted, the rules would be as follows:

1. Put the logo on your blog;
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you;
3. Nominate 10 other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on yours;
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs;


Nova said…
oh.... nice.. i love butterflies....

they are just so adorable....

just passing by here again... hope you'll have a great week days...
Shimumsy said…
i got a tag for you mommy J.
Utah Mommy said…
Wow ka cute naman ng butterfly. I missed having an award from friends though. I got so many alerts telling me that i have an award from them but wasn't able to claim those awards. Anyway, i will get them now soon as i get the chance. Good morning Mommy J!
Tey said…
yes I agree your blog is cool Juliana. You deserve this tag. Have a great day
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Lynn said…
i awarded this to u too, sis. wasn't aware nabigyan ka na pala ni Mitch. hehe.

musta sis? tagal ko atang di napadalaw here. hope all is well.


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