For a First Time Mommy...

It’s been days since I last posted here. What can I say I’ve been busy as a bee still. I have a lot of things that I need to do but I just can’t find the time to do them. One of them is reply back to a letter my sister sent me a few weeks ago. Actually, I have to do some shopping first because I want to send a package with the letter. It’s not a Christmas package…yet. She mentioned in the letter that a niece is going to be a first time Mom so I want to get her something, either for her or the baby or both. Yep, I'm going to be a grandma....again!

She’s only a few months pregnant and I want to get her this Mustela 9 Month Maternety Stretch Mark Double Action product. I have some unsightly stretch marks from my only pregnancy and I wouldn’t want anyone to have them. With this product, she can be assured that she won’t have what I have. And since she’s a first time parent, she needs all the guidance she can get from family and friends. She’s also very lucky because there are sites online today where she can get valuable information like the Parent’s Corner at the Mustela website. I’m confident that her parents and our other relatives with her are giving her pieces of advice but she can still use some tips and advice from other sources. I just wish I had these resources when I was pregnant. Oh well…maybe next time.



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