The Gift of Life..

It’s almost that time of the year which we fondly call as the “season of giving”. But with the present economic situation, I can’t help but wonder how many of us will actually take that into heart. I’m sure a lot of us will still do some giving one way or another. But what can we give during these hard times? How about something that can be used not only temporarily but for a long time?

When I got pregnant with our little one, my husband came across Cyro-Cell online. That was 6 years ago. We read more about it and decided to take the chance and have our little one’s cord blood. We believe that it’s one investment that we will never regret making as it has the potential to save lives in the future. This is the reason why everytime a friend is pregnant we never fail to mention about Cryo-Cell. I believe we even got one friend and her husband a Gift Certificate from Cryo-Cell to give them a jump start on it.

This season giving, think ‘future’ and give a loved one who is expecting a gift that can one day save a life. Visit Cryo-Cell website and see their Current Offers. I’m sure your friend will forever cherish such a ‘giving’ gift.


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