Healthy Grilling..

Remember I mentioned we went to a store last weekend that's about to close their business? We've seen a lot of good deals out there. My husband said that he is going back there again. Maybe a few days before they finally close doors and try to steal some good deals. One of the things I am planning to buy is a grill. Yep, I've been wanting to buy one since who knows when. I don't really need the big grill. I just want to start a lifestyle of healthy grilling and a George Foreman grill will be more than enough for me. I already saw a couple of them that I really like. With that store closing and getting rid of their products, maybe I'll get that wish sooner than later.


ruthinian said…
I love grilling too. Too bad we already hide our grill because it's already fall here. it's too cold to have cook out in the backyard now. we also need to prepare the backyard for the coming winter so the grill has to go somewhere safe till next spring.
outdoorgriller said…
if you want more recipes or if you want to take a look at the collection of tips I have for grilling you can visit
Unknown said…
I love store closing deals! It's the best way to find really good and cheap deals. You are right. I know it's unfortunate for store owners but a shopper's gotta do what a shopper's gotta do. :)

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