Nice Weekend weather

What a nice day we have here today. The sun is out but it's not hot out there. We opened the sliding door in the living room and it's making the house really cool. As usual, we're just being lazy today.

For a change, the husband and I woke up ahead of the little one so we spent the time chatting while waiting for her to wake up. She was not feeling well last night so we wanted her to sleep for as long as she could. As soon as she got up, she jumped in bed with us...and that's how we spent half of the morning.

Anyway, last night we spent a couple of hours checking out Linen 'n Things. Like I mentioned in my post the other day, our weekend activities are usually the 'spur of the moment' kind and going out at 7 PM is definitely a spur of the moment.

In case you haven't heard, Linen 'n Things is going out of business so they are having some really good deals right now. So if you have one near you, you may want to check it out and see the deals they have.

We were there until closing time and we got some things for the house and some pink towels for the little one. As soon as she saw the pink towels, we just had to get them. So we did. We also got me a new vacuum...yay!

So how's your weekend?


Marites said…
i love your new template. maganda siya:)

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