Once Upon a Dream

This is the latest song that our little one has been singing around the house. I think she heard/saw it on the Disney Channel. She's trying to sing the way Sleeping Beauty is singing in this video and it's really cute. I'll try and record her singing so we have something to remember it by.


but this is my favorite!!
honey said…
cge te ha..waiting for Erica's version..ehehhe...so cute! I'm sure...
bluedreamer27 said…
well honestly imust say Disney songs are so great and entertaining not just for kids but also for the young at heart like me hahaha
have a great day ate juliana
Nova said…
ohh.. i love it and i am in love of every classic walt disney cartoon... they are incomparable.
Elvz said…
Nice post it's very cute :)

btw i have a tag for u here: http://www.mommyelvz.com/2008/10/we-need-friends.html

have a nice day!

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