Ready for Halloween?

I would say we are...sort of. The little one is much better already. She still has the sniffles but it's slowly but surely going away. Hopefully her cough won't get any worse. She said she's feeling a lot better...I wonder if that has something to do with her wanting to go 'trick or treatin' tomorrow.

It's not that cold today here. It was early in the morning but it got warmer as the day went on. My 'weather bug' on this computer is recording 72F so it's nice and cool outside. Some parts of the front yard grass turned brown. I don't know why. It may be because of the 'frost' yesterday...but I'm not sure about that.

Anyway, it's dinner time here. I better start rolling if I want to have food on the table when the husband gets home.


gets ko nah kung bakit ako alien, martian to be specific hahaha! Yah I better go as a Martian for tomorrow`s trick or treating... wait is there an age limit to get candies from strangers? Hehehe.

It must be because of the coffee why hindi ako makatulog... caffeine junky kasi ako hahaha. Hope you can steal some time to sleep as well.

Oh yeah nasa Sunshine state ka pala, I forgot. Mabuti ka pa wala kang risk for frost bite unlike poor old me.

Happy Halloween in advance hehehe.
Ciela said…
Halloween time there in U.S. is a lot more fun. Pinoys are trying to keep up with American's Halloween tradition and it's starting to be popular here especiallly in malls.

It is really exciting for children so don't let li'l one miss this once a year fun.

We'll be cemetery hopping tomorrow!
See yah again, J!
Chubskulit Rose said…
We had one tonight here in Korea (sa base lang).. Korea don't celebrate halloween, its funny because most of the tric or treaters are korean kids...

My lil' ones have colds too due to drastic weather change here..

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