"The List"....


It’s November 15 already? That means that in about a month, we will be celebrating Christmas 2008. Some people already started putting up their Christmas decorations I'm sure. Here in the US though, most choose to do that right after Thanksgiving which falls on November 27 this year. Shopping for Christmas gifts though can start as soon as one feels the need to do so. Our little one already wrote her Christmas list which the Dad already ‘mailed’ to Santa. I also have a list prepared but it’s not the list of what I want but what I should give to friends and family. I guess the list changes as we get older, eh?

Since 'Santa' is going to take care of the little one's list, I will have to take care of Santa, right? So, I have a list of toys for Santa... and his ‘toys’ are not cheap. But with Sears Layaway I can get him a Craftsman Garage and Tool Storage that he needs badly for the garage. It’s a war zone in there that's why I am getting this for him. At least I don't have to pay for it upfront. I would also like to get him a wine cooler, a Kolarik Dual Wine Cooler to be specific. He just recently started drinking red wine after dinner so this one will be timely since he likes his wine chilled. I may even try the red wine myself since they say that it's good for the heart.

Now, Big Daddy is not the only I am going to buy for this Christmas…Big Mommy is also planning in getting some new wardrobe...some warm clothings like sweaters and overcoats. I have no winter clothes since we practically don’t have winter here in the sunshine state. But the husband is going to Michigan either next month or early next year….and he asked me if we want to go with him. I’m not jumping up and down about it but I really want the little one to see real winter so I said yes. So Michigan, here we come! Oh wait, I have to start shopping now so I will have ample time to pay for these things I’ll put on layaway at Sears. Yeah!



Ciela said…
Hayyy...lapit na nga Christmas but am not in the mood for it yet! Ang bilis kasi, 'no?! I'm still thinking if I'm gonna set up the christmas tree. Parang kakaligpit ko lang e, christmas again!

Anyway, Michigan sounds to be a nice state. Have a great vacation!

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