Rotary Phone...

Rotary Phone Pictures, Images and Photos

This is one of the little one's item in her Christmas list. We already got most of what she wants. They are all easy to find and not too expensive either. But this one? I have searched the internet, wait that's wrong, WE - both my husband and I searched the net but we can't find one that is at a reasonable price. The cheapest I've seen is $50 + shipping! There is one that's in eBay and the starting bid is $10,000!!!! Yes, 10 thousand dollars. Hmmm...maybe I can start bidding now, eh?

So what's left to do? I am seriously considering this...


Umma said…
Stress of being a Mom especially this coming holidays... hahaha.. But the phone in the picture will do.. as long as it makes sounds. I think kids would love it.

And WTH is the worth of the phone to be 10 grand? Are you kidding me? yes.. you're kidding.
J said…
haha, what a wish she has! wait lang, maybe my in laws will be kind enough to switch their rotary phone(yes, they still have it in one of the rooms in their house)with a digital one haha.

Anonymous said…
i have been wondering really how young ones now will take this phone that was so common to us before. they have never seen this right? lol

i have been stressed too yesterday. had so many things to do to prepare for baby...
Ciela said…
Oh how this post made me smile. You can always inject some humor somewhere somehow. 'Like it!

And thank you for the greeting and good wishes for our anniv. 28 yrs na nga! No way to hide our "very young age". (LOL)
The Happy Mom said…
I had that phone when I was little! Thanks for the post, it brought back some memories! :)

love your blog! :)
Nova said…
Hi te Juls, got your comment answered na... sis, that might be an antique telephone.. whoa.... pero.. that alternative is pretty much cool.. baka gusto ng little one mo to be in a call center agent.. char!
Elow! Kumusta? Having some Xmas list dilemma I see. Pwede la adopt nalang ako as into? Simple Lang any wish ok: world peace. Pang beauty queen na sabot ano? Hehehe corny ok naman. Oh soya, have a good week nalang sago. ^_^

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