

One of my new favorite songs. I just stumbled upon it in VH1 about a few weeks ago. I don't usually listen to the radio so not quite sure how new [or old] this song is. I also haven't watched MTV or VH1 in months so I wasn't aware of the song.

Anyway, it seems like all I do nowadays is to search You Tubes for songs I hear. Here's the You Tube video I found for this one.A band called OAR sings it. Here it is.


Norm said…
nice video, cute cya parang si Jericho Rosales. hello Jul!kumusta na ang beautiful mom? thanks for the visit and advance Merry Christmas...
Marites said…
para bang si Jericho? medyo! pero Juls, I also love the song..ay, post ko ito sa blog ko ha? Affected lang sa song, I'm going through something the same that's being said in the song kasi.

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