Toys for One & All...


Like I mentioned in my post yesterday, we are ‘almost’ done in getting the little one’s wishes for the holidays. Like in the past years, we usually find the things she wants then get her some extra gifts that we know will make her eyes light up. She has a lot of toys already but we still get her some just because her expression is priceless whenever she gets something she does not expect. I guess that’s what truly matter, eh? Last year one of the ‘surprise gifts’ we got her was this big Smart Easel from MegaBrands because she likes to draw a lot. It was a big hit of course and she’s still using it until this day.

This year, I am thinking of getting her a mickey mouse figurine because she’s such a big fan of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. How big of a fan. Let's just say that she will do anything you ask her just to be able to watch the show whenever it’s on. So I’m sure that anything that has to do with the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse will be a big hit to her this year. So if you are looking for a gift for nieces or nephews or other kid [big or small] for that matter, make sure to check out the Mega Brands toy website. Their vast array of fun educational toys will surely be a big hit to your little ones.


Lou said…
Hey Miss J, thanks for the comments. Yes it's a nice hotel...but I don't think I can afford to stay there LOL.

Happy Holidays to you and your family.

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