Back Online


Actually, I've been back online since this morning. I've been trying to catch up on work since I wasn't able to do that because of the internet situation.

A technician came by early this morning...about 9. He did a quick check to see what the problem was. I told him that their CS told me to unplug the router for my wireless. It seemed to have worked for a few minutes. It started acting up again last night which ruled out the router as the problem. Guess what the problem was? The modem that their company supplied us...which we paid for by the way.

As it turned out that modem has been causing problems but the company chooses not to face that problem instead doing what that CS did...blame other things but their modem. Needless to say I was not happy. Good thing the technician offered to replace the modem with a new one that has a router already. If he didn't do that...we'd probably be with another provider by now.

Anyway, I just wanted to put an update here. Hope everyone's having a good holiday season.


honey said…
Good thing your back ate J.. HAPPY HOLIDAY... :)
i have my own D-link router but now i'm using the one provided by my broadband provider.

nga pala, before i hide from mga namamasko...

maligang pasko sa iyo at sa iyong pamilya. Diyos nawa ang magpala ng walang hanggang.

translate that: where's my gift?

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