Cold and Not Feeling Well...& Tags Galore!


That about sums up what I'm feeling right now. I'm not ill or sick...I just have an upset stomach. I have no idea why but it's been more of a discomfort than anything. I can feel & hear my tummy rumbling right now actually.

The little one was also having some tummy issues yesterday but she's well now. Yesterday was a different story though. I thought she had another indigestion but it's not. She threw up a couple of times but it's mostly liquid. She didn't eat much during dinner because of her fear of throwing up. As a result she woke around 5 starving. She ate then went back to sleep.

Anyway, I got a few tags from friends so I'm posting them here before I call it a day...

The Power Blog tag is from Clarisse of Coffee, Anyone?...thanks much Clarisse....

Wear a Smile Today is from Mommy Ruby of Ruby Posts...salamat pow Mommy Ruby!

// Start Tag...//
Someday, everything will make perfect sense.

So laugh at the confusion…
smile through the tears…
and keep reminding yourself
that everything happens for a purpose.

Something to make you smile:
Never take life seriously.
Anyway, no one goes out of it alive.

\\ end of tag //

And this 'Shot on the Spot Tag' from Umma of Spices of Life and Joyce of PinayMama's Diary! Thanks ladies...


1) Take a picture of yourself right NOW!.
2) DON'T change your clothes, DON'T fix your hair... Just take a picture.
3) Post that picture with NO editing.
4) Post these instruction with your picture.
5)Tag 10 people to do this..

There 'ya go Ladies...thanks much for tagging me. Sa uulitin!


Umma said…
Mommy J.. finally I got a chance to glimpse on your face once again..You really look like Maricel my dear especially the smile..

beauting beauty pa rin kahit walang make up hahahah. thanks for posting Mommy J
thanks mommy j for posting, i hope i made you smile today!! muah! muah!
Utah Mommy said…
You look great Mommy J even though you are not feeling well. Hope you will get well soon. God bless Mommy J and thanks for dropping by. God bless!
DebbieDana said…
Hope you feel better now. Still beautiful ha! I love your smile too. :)

Happy Wednesday Mommy Juliana!
Unknown said…
what a cute smile.. di pa rin nagbago. parang bata... heheeh...

nice.. to see a big smile from you...
Ciela said…
Whoa! How nice to see that sweet smile! Makes me wanna smile back at you. Hope to see more of the beautiful face!

So far, my week is quite toxic. Been to my regular annual check ups for days and isn't done yet till next week. I'm doin fine anyway, thanks for asking.

Have a good day, J!
Unknown said…
You look playful and happy in this photo, Jules. :) Nice one.

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