Fun Google Tag..


Umma of Spices of Life tagged me on this fun google tag. It took a while to find my answers but I enjoyed it nonetheless....thanks much, Umma...

"The rules are simple. Use Google Images to search for the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people."

1.) The age of my next birthday
2. Place I would like to Travel

3.) My favorite Place

4.) A favorite thing

5.) My Favorite Food

6.) My Favorite Color

7.) The City/State I Reside Now

8.) The City I was Born

9.) My College Major

10.) Name of Your First Lover

11.) A Bad Habit

12.) A Hobby

12.) My Current Wish Lists (Max of 3 )


Umma said…
Thank you for posting the tag my dear.. I got to know you more hahaha..

Hmm your fave color is brown but your layout is pink? Just curious hehehe
DebbieDana said…
hhhmmmmmm yummy palabok! favorite ko din yan!

hope you're doing well Mommy J!
Ciela said…
I love pancit malabon too! Yum-yum! Nice knowing more about you, J.

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